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User profile: seven50

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User name:seven50
Joined:Jun 10, 2013 at 1:43pm
Number of posts:26
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In cantainer of vectors how i can find the number of objects without loop?
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/numeric/accumulate/ this ?

Is this a good implementation ? ( factory pattern + forwarding )
@JLBorges can you expand a little more ? I will read that, but I'm curious about what you guys think...

How can I tell a program to continue executing the next line of code in c++
a switch case ( you can also express a default case with that construct ) ?

Is this a good implementation ? ( factory pattern + forwarding )
I'm trying to get into meta-programming techniques, with the new C++11 we now get the ability to "fo...

How to install a C++ compiler in Debian GNU/Linux?
In general terms it's better to install the meta package build-essential http://packages.debian.org/...

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User: seven50

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