User profile: science man

User info
User name:science man
Bio:Want to become a programmer but haven't decided on exactly what type yet. Leaning towards doing non-web-based stuff but wouldn't mind if I did some web-based stuff. Besides C++ I want to learn Java, PHP, C, and possibly Javascript.
Statistical data
Number of posts:129
Latest posts:

Why include stdexcept and new instead of exception?
Oh yes I see what you mean it reduces overhead. heh I didn't think of that. Thanks.

Why include stdexcept and new instead of exception?
I discovered something interesting that I'm quite puzzled by which has resulted in a question I have...

ne555 You beat me to it. I was messing with the code heyyouyesyou posted. @heyyouyesyou Thank you...

assigning a pointer to multiple numerical values?
[quote=AbstractionAnon] At line 12, you're storing 20 into the int pointed at by the address in mypo...

assigning a pointer to multiple numerical values?
I copied this code from a tutorial and got an error. [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; ...