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User profile: saj1994

User info
User name:saj1994
Joined:Mar 13, 2015 at 11:53am
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Why is my program writing to the same line in .dat file
I am creating a library Management system. The system is meant write and read from a .dat file. Howe...

Why is my Library Management program not writing to file
What do you mean by binary mode?

Why is my Library Management program not writing to file
Hi, I am creating a library Management which you can add books, dvds and students to. The books and...

Using an object in several .cpp files
I am creating a Library Management system. And Im having a problem. I have a Main.cpp, Book.cpp, ...

How to keep program running without exiting when wrong option is chosen?
I just noticed that and I have changed the code to look like this: [code]switch (mainSelect) { ...

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User: saj1994

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