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User profile: ruzip

User info
User name:ruzip
Joined:Nov 22, 2019 at 1:12pm
Number of posts:103
Latest posts:

Window Close Button MessageBox with GLUT
Thanks kigar, solved.. also got a suggestion to use hWnd = GetActiveWindow() instead.

Window Close Button MessageBox with GLUT
Is there a way to attach a messagebox confirmation if a GLUT Window close button is triggered? Curr...

GLUT Keys with VK Keys
Thanks kilgar, but actually not involving any external library. And as I mentioned, windows only fo...

GLUT Keys with VK Keys
I'm looking for a way to make the GLUT key functions to work simultaneously with VK Keys (GetAsync...

GetMangledSiteSid Entry Point error
When building an exe using Windows in MinGW g++, I get an error when I run it: [b]The procedure ent...

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User: ruzip

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