User profile: rorschach14

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User name:rorschach14
Number of posts:53
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string program
This line is s**t [code]char str[]= a;[/code] You can't do this.. This means nothing. If you want "...

Recursive sort of linked list
Hi, I'm trying to implement a recursive sorting of a singly linked list, so here it goes> Algorithm...

Losing precision in string to double conversion
Of course. I don't know how I could have missed it. Thank you DHayden!

Losing precision in string to double conversion
Hello, I have a problem with string to int, [code]atof()[/code] to be precise. It doesn't happen eve...

Moving pointers in a matrix
Sorry for the late reply, but it did help! In the end I did it my way -> implementing copy construct...

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User: rorschach14

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