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User profile: riprage

User info
User name:riprage
Joined:Nov 14, 2010 at 10:29pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Timing file transfer over socket
To be honest all I want to achieve is to be able to display the results for the rate, time it's goin...

Timing file transfer over socket
Hi Experts I am attempting to time a file transfer using the windows QueryPerformanceCounter() to...

Enable XP visuals in Visual Studio 2008
No unfortuatley that didn't make any difference. Any other ideas on what it may be?

Enable XP visuals in Visual Studio 2008
Ok thank you for your replys, I will Include that, and the manifest above, when I get home. Post res...

Enable XP visuals in Visual Studio 2008
Hi Experts Can anyone please explain to me how i can enable XP visuals in Visual Studio 2008. i ...

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User: riprage

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