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User profile: rinnamorato

User info
User name:rinnamorato
Joined:Aug 3, 2011 at 9:50pm
Number of posts:47
Latest posts:

Help creating a while loop
Guys, I wrote a program that search for substrings and prints the line starting with the substri...

Reading a line into a pointer char
Jose, thanks for the reply. I can't use fin() because the assignments requires me to use functio...

Reading a line into a pointer char
Hello guys, I am working on a small assignment and I got it to compile but it is not returning wh...

Problem throwing an exception
Peter, balance is a member of Account. I need to practice more with exceptions so I am going to han...

Problem throwing an exception
The string should display in the console when the constructor uses a negative amount. I thought abou...

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User: rinnamorato

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