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User profile: psault

User info
User name:psault
Location:Texas, USA
Bio:Trying to be a programmer.
Joined:Apr 2, 2008 at 2:04am
Number of posts:133
Latest posts:

HOw will i make a 5 X 5 2D array w/ diagonal sum.
1) This is the General C++ Forum 2) Why don't you watch your mouth? ~psault

Classes and dynamic memory
Your loops are wrong. tempArray[arraySize] = memberA[arraySize] keeps setting the same index offset...

HOw will i make a 5 X 5 2D array w/ diagonal sum.
For your amusement, and mine... [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> const int kDim...

External Applications Running Turbo C + +
haha that's awesome! ~psault

STRSTR searching
You've got some bugs to fix. But first off, what you're passing to strstr is a single char at offse...