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User profile: patropatropatro

User info
User name:patropatropatro
Joined:Sep 27, 2014 at 8:54am
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

My ternary operator
I don't think I'm understanding how this works. [code] int diceTotal = diceDisplay() + diceDis...

adding two dice - functions
This is my function: [code] void displayDice() { int dieRoll = distribution(generator);//rand...

Functions - I don't know what to do.
I need help getting started with my assignment. The program must store the player’s cash in a g...

While loop if statements problem
How do I solve this? I can't get out of the loop. Every time I change my code around, something else...

What am I doing wrong? While loop and if statements
Thanks! I was looking at it the wrong way. You've helped alot.

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User: patropatropatro

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