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User profile: nz881

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User name:nz881
Old user name:megakiller316
Joined:Sep 20, 2014 at 1:17pm
Number of posts:12
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How to make code syntactically efficient.
Hey guys. I was wondering what are some ways programmers, especially beginners, write code that are ...

Counting the number of words from a text file in C++.
@S G H thank you so much. What you said about getline was the main reason why the program wasnt work...

Counting the number of words from a text file in C++.
Thank you very much for the advice. You are right, getline only counts the words in the last line. I...

Counting the number of words from a text file in C++.
well i just used pointers to dynamically allocate memory cause I was thinking that maybe due to less...

Counting the number of words from a text file in C++.
Hi there, I am trying to write a simple program where the number of words are counted from a text fi...

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User: nz881

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