User profile: nixadD

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User name:nixadD
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Can you call a function from inside a class function?
Still don't think i'm going about it corectly. What do you think about this code example? source.cp...

Can you call a function from inside a class function?
Ok i understand now. So, I'd have to create a d10Roll(); function in every class I create that uses...

Can you call a function from inside a class function?
Good morning everyone. Have a question about calling one of my dice roll functions from inside a c...

Help with combat system loop
Thank you again for the help! :) :) :) Now to rewrite the program using classes. :)

Help with combat system loop
yeah i copied and pasted your code... BUT !!! I got it !!! IT WORKS !!! HAHAHAHHAA !!! I found tha...

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User: nixadD

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