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User profile: newbiee999

User info
User name:newbiee999
Joined:Apr 11, 2015 at 4:16pm
Number of posts:112
Latest posts:

help with three games menu program
Line 21 and 44, Why do you have two int main() ? You can only have one int main().

Array storage
What I would do is first initialize an array of x elements. Then using a loop, get the user input ...

Conversion table
Line 6, that '/' is not a legal character for creating variables. You can change it to [code] float...

opening/reading from a file
change lines 4 and 5 to these: [code]ifstream myfile; myfile.open("president.txt");[/code]

Need to combine two programs to make one shape/program
You just had to copy the bottom part and paste it at the end of you first part and delete already d...

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User: newbiee999

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