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User profile: muffsez

User info
User name:muffsez
Joined:Oct 7, 2016 at 7:04am
Number of posts:53
Latest posts:

Need help with Assignment
You're posting for help in Java on a c++ forum? At the very least you should include your code so so...

GPA (Grade point average)
You should look at making it calculate A- etc

C++ on Visual Studio
Well currently I'm at a different school taking computer science classes, which will transfer to the...

C++ on Visual Studio
So I've been writing a lot of c++ on visual studio for the past year, I'm still I guess at a general...

While loop error
[code] #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> //use of _getch(); #include <math.h> //Use of fmod usi...