User profile: mookster66

User info
User name:mookster66
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Two Dem Button Array Population
I have a 100 buttons that I have already have created they are button1, button2 and so on. I have cr...

Populating Array of Buutons
this is how I am trying to do it [code] void Array_Population() { array<Button^, 2>^ btn = gcn...

Populating Array of Buutons
I have a 100 buttons that I have already have created they are button1, button2 and so on.I have cre...

Array of buttons in C++ Windows Forms
I am trying to create an array of button in this game I am making and I cant figure it out so any wo...

C++ GUI BattleShip
in the function where I change the text to "C" it is only suppose to do that six times then stop, bu...

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User: mookster66

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