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User profile: mm148881

User info
User name:mm148881
Location:Orsay (91)
Joined:Mar 4, 2009 at 11:52am
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

little code probelm
Hi, C++ does not support local functor classes for template algorithms. For instance, see the articl...

Linker problems with class template and member function specialization
Actually, I used the inclusion method described in Vandervoorde's book to compile the code in separa...

Linker problems with class template and member function specialization
Hi, I am new to template programming and the problem I am having, might really be trivial! In any c...

type streampos
Hi, I have quite a large binary file( size ~ 10GB), which I want to direct access using istream::se...

Copying binary files
Hi, One should use the macro EOF only to check the end of text files. As far as I understand it - b...