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User profile: methodos

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User name:methodos
Joined:Apr 18, 2011 at 8:28pm
Number of posts:60
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WinAPI - Basic Window Icon?
The ID's of icons have to be defined before you use them. IDI_WINDOWICON is not an existing icon ID ...

Windows raw input api
Have you tried uncommenting the messageloop? The DispatchMessage function is probably the one that c...

exact same const and non-const operator[]
Thanks for the confirmation. I thought I lacked some knowledge about operators[], but it appears not...

exact same const and non-const operator[]
Hi Disch, I am sorry for not being clear enough. I meant the two operator[] functions in my original...

exact same const and non-const operator[]
Clear, but by "need" I meant "required by the standard". Maybe the reason for the two functions in m...

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User: methodos

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