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User profile: marcodifresco

User info
User name:marcodifresco
Joined:Aug 28, 2016 at 1:25pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Date and time not updating
Hi all, I solved the problem and ... it is kind of awkward. :D In the original implementation of No...

Date and time not updating
RemoveNewLine just take the string passed and check and eventually remove the last character. I used...

Date and time not updating
Hi all, for a program of mine I have to get the current date and time. By looking around I found...

Printing the file name of an ofstream
Hi JLBorges, thank you for your answer. I'll use a separate string variable then. :)

Printing the file name of an ofstream
Hi all, first time posting here so I hope I am doing it correctly. I tried to search for a solut...

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User: marcodifresco

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