User profile: mammoth spoon

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User name:mammoth spoon
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

How to get the os<< operator to output a vector from a class?
@Catfish666 It's an exercise from Bjarne Stroustrup's text book, chapter 9. I think writing a funct...

How to get the os<< operator to output a vector from a class?
What code would I need inside the << function to display the contents of both vectors, names and...

How to become a c++ programmer?
I have a two years associate's degree in computer science (2011). I've read several text books and t...

Can't pass to functions with pointer
I get a run time error saying something about memory locations when I run this program.How can I ma...

Miscalc in find all sum of all mults of 3 and 5 less than 1000
My code is giving me the wrong answer for the total sum of :266341 According to online sources the ...

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User: mammoth spoon

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