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User profile: lul

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User name:lul
Joined:Oct 1, 2017 at 6:30am
Number of posts:8
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how do you improve your skills over the years
@George P thank you for the comment. It really inspires me a lot

how do you improve your skills over the years
Thank you for the reply. I want to grow from there. But I cant get honest feedback. But anyway, I'm ...

how do you improve your skills over the years
Joined a big tech company and got promoted to L4. Joined another big tech company as sde2, being ...

help with reference usage
I want to hold the reference because in the thinking of once i change the reference value, vector.ba...

help with reference usage
Thank you for the reply. I'm running it here: (im doing this for interview)https://leetcode.com/prob...

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User: lul

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