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User profile: lukecplusplus

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User name:lukecplusplus
Joined:Jul 9, 2014 at 10:21pm
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Small game problem
I'm having trouble with the syntax of converting each map to the variable used in my later code for ...

Code skipping - function problem?
[quote]Look closer at line 51 and 52[/quote] and [quote]The problem may not be syntax but maybe a lo...

Code skipping - function problem?
I'm trying to write a rabbit cancer sim and I am having an issue: my program stops at "starting simu...

Too many arguments to function rand
Thank you for the quick response. It works now. :)

Too many arguments to function rand
I really am in the dark on this one. This is a function from my "zombie rabbits " program. I am tryi...

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User: lukecplusplus

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