User profile: lost110

User info
User name:lost110
Old user name:sallu110
Number of posts:140
Latest posts:

Counting total number of arithmetic operations in nested loop
@dutch Is the below count correct if i =0? [code] Fastsort(A, n) { // 1 4 4 ...

Counting total number of arithmetic operations in nested loop
Hello! So here is a question. I have to count the number of arithmetic operations when given an arra...

Conditional wait and signal in multi-threading
t1: created and starts running foo main: sleeps for 1 second to ensure t1 starts running and g...

Confusing question regarding semaphores and threads
I am not able to understand this dependency diagram because there are no arrows in it! Whether threa...

Conditional wait and signal in multi-threading
Hye! I saw this code on geeks for geeks. But I am not able to fully get it. [code] // C progr...

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User: lost110

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