User profile: lexie21

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User name:lexie21
Number of posts:23
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Loop yes or no
How can i put a loop? "Want to buy something else? Yes/No" If Yes: start again from cout<<"Producto...

Want to buy something else? Yes/No
Okay, so first: I put the name of the product, so if name == prod (which is on the txt) should print...

Want to buy something else? Yes/No
To be looped: [code] cout<<"Producto: "; cin>>name; while (infile >> prod >> price) { if (n...

Want to buy something else? Yes/No
I need a loop for this, but i don't know how to put it. [code] #include <iostream> #include <fs...

Search in file
[code] #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int main(){ st...

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User: lexie21

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