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User profile: ksrao

User info
User name:ksrao
Joined:Aug 21, 2010 at 2:33am
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Switch Statements
hi, yes i agree this o and 0 is atyping mistake and instead of case 1,2 it should be 0,1 ...

Switch Statements
Hi, I think following code might sole your probleam [code] ........

problem with cin
Hi, The above program is right. But there is no issue if you use GOTO statement in C++. You can u...

Looking for an online C++ teacher.
Hi, if you are really interested in On Line C++classes . you can check it online other wise t...

Memory Allocation for References
Hi. let me define what is reference avriable first [b] 1. Reference variable[/b] C++ intriduces...

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User: ksrao

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