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User profile: kevinchkin

User info
User name:kevinchkin
Joined:Feb 4, 2009 at 6:21pm
Number of posts:450
Latest posts:

Help with Functions
computeSolidity is a function. Should be changed to: [code]y = computeSolidity(Bi, Bf);[/code]

(Code is entering fail-state) How do I fix?
@jmcdaniel10: Start with taking 3 numbers as input. Use [code]cin>>x;[/code] to get the input. You w...

Could not find object file on gdb for boost::regex
Thanks helios.

Could not find object file on gdb for boost::regex
Hi Guys, I am trying to debug a program using gdb. I am using Boost regex.hpp in some of my .hh ...

Most efficient way of extracting hyperlinks from a file?
Ah ok. That's a good point. Thanks a lot.