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User profile: kalki

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User name:kalki
Joined:Nov 12, 2015 at 4:27am
Number of posts:34
Latest posts:

Finding out no of 1's in a given no ??
How to find number of bit set in any given number ? Say int x=7; Number of 1's set in x are 3

How to use map with hex values??
[code] #include <iostream> int count=0; using namespace std; int getBit(int n, int k) { unsigned ...

Bit operation and look-up table
Here am i doing in right way ???? Its giving me result like bit wise set into equivalent hexadecimal...

Bit operation and look-up table
Is there any utility or library provides a simple function to convert a hex to binary and then depen...

How to find position of bit set in a binary number??
[code] #include <iostream> #include <limits> void doBinaryJunk(unsigned n) { unsigned mask = 1 ...

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User: kalki

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