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User profile: jopeters

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User name:jopeters
Joined:Apr 24, 2010 at 5:53pm
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

What condition is this IF statement checking for? if( !variable )
ne555 i think i see what you first meant, the only thing I can think of is it saying is this (pseud...

What condition is this IF statement checking for? if( !variable )
adnan2 I mentioned that it was not a bool, and I wasnt aware that a char could be true or false. ...

What condition is this IF statement checking for? if( !variable )
I saw some code online of people using if statements like this. For example, they will have char var...

Can you pass ints OR strings to the same class without it being templated?
alright that was a stupid mistake...nevermind

Can you pass ints OR strings to the same class without it being templated?
I've been using some overloaded functions and hopefully on the right track, but I cant seem to find ...

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User: jopeters

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