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User profile: jessica1234

User info
User name:jessica1234
Joined:Nov 13, 2016 at 7:01am
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

iterate through a 2D array returned by a function
hi andy, first of all, how do I declare the array[][] to catch the return int** from my function? ...

iterate through a 2D array returned by a function
assuming i know the length of my dynamically created 2D array, how do i iterate through it? the a...

how to find out the length of an array?
I have a function returning a 2D array which the size dynamically created at runtime. [code] i...

Error in cin input to a class?
I am a newbie. I just want to write a class that accept input from cin command. i don't know what...

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User: jessica1234

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