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User profile: jesperd

User info
User name:jesperd
Name:Jesper Dahlkild
Bio:Student at Copenhagen University, Denmark
Joined:May 21, 2010 at 10:12am
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Cache optimization with std::vector
Thanks PanGalactic. It was what I just needed :-) Thank you for your help.

Cache optimization with std::vector
Hi, This is a general question of how to optimize an array so that you get a better cache hit. ...

posix threads with optimize flag -O2
Thanks Galik, I see your point... something to think about :-)

posix threads with optimize flag -O2
By Galik: [quote]You might want to look into condition variables rather than perform your empty l...

posix threads with optimize flag -O2
I figure out what the problem was. I have a variable which I use to assign each thread with a uni...

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User: jesperd

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