User profile: jae0014

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User name:jae0014
Number of posts:41
Latest posts:

Segementation Error utmp.h
So I am trying to get the time of login struct utmp log[1]; while(read(Ofile, log, sizeof(log...

How do I read text. file and put each word.
struct SSD { string word; int counting = 0; }; I have this node so if i have about paragr...

Need help on a recrusive function
the program works fine but int number can't go over on certain number lets say x and y are are input...

how do I just compare first address?
[code]list<short int>::reverse_iterator it1 = myList.rbegin(), it2 = addend2.myList.rbegin();[/c...

Need urgent help on RPN
i am doing algorithm to evaluate postfix expression [output]class Stack{ public: Stack(); Stack(co...

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User: jae0014

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