User profile: heretohelpyou

User info
User name:heretohelpyou
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Should I quit?
No you should not. It just means you do not have enough coding experience. It will be better/faste...

Need help with converting a string array to an int array.
use string inside stoi, not array.

Need help with converting a string array to an int array.
string str = "45"; int myint = stoi(str);

Need help with reading a text file and displaying it.
This inputFile >> studentIds[i]; getline(inputFile, studentIds[i], ','); and this inputFile >> stu...

How to sort a struct??
Hint: the code above kind like int x=5; int y=6; int z=2; int w=4; Meaning the struct are just vari...

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User: heretohelpyou

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