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User profile: h0404

User info
User name:h0404
Bio:Working as Analyst programmer for 5 years, now I want to expertise my skills in C++
Joined:May 15, 2013 at 11:40am
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Difficulties to use boost
Hello, I am learning C++ at home with Visual Studio 2012, and need to do an assignment using boost ...

Beginner help with generic dictionary
yes, you are right, it should be [code]int main()[/code] the MSVS 2012 is a bit confusing when star...

Beginner help with generic dictionary
yes, sorry, should have been cout << CDict.GetCategoryCount("Cat1"); yet, i get this error: 1>-----...

Beginner help with generic dictionary
[code]#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <utility> using namespace std; ...

Beginner help with generic dictionary
Why do i have this error : error C3867: 'CategoryDictionary::GetCategoryCount': function call missin...

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User: h0404

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