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User profile: fasravo

User info
User name:fasravo
Joined:Feb 18, 2017 at 2:44pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Draw tricky triangles
My instructor expects my output to look like this : [code]Enter triangle height : 5 * ** **...

Check if 15 integers are unique
Wow thanks JLBorges. This is the shortest I have seen :) :)

Check if 15 integers are unique
Helios, blame my teacher if you want. Actually it is not an offical homework, it is an challenge ma...

Check if 15 integers are unique
Thanks for the help guys. I previously wrote : "I cannot, it is an array structure so I can't use ...

Check if 15 integers are unique
I cannot, it is an array structure so I can't use it anyways. Which means I cannot use any (array) s...