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User profile: estephan

User info
User name:estephan
Name:Eric Stephan
Bio:I am a stage 4 cancer warrior. Learning C++ has always been one of my passions. Well I bucket listed and learning it on my own any help is always helpful lol.
Joined:Aug 26, 2015 at 9:03am
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Help with random_shuffle
Thanks, the book i am useing did not show you could do that. so i had no idea you could.

Help with random_shuffle
I am not getting the output i expected for the randomizing scores. Not sure why everything looks rig...

just a general question
It there any place to get info on what is good commenting. As i like to comment as i work on stuff ...

just a general question
yep Lb is right.. comments just help when someone come back and has to read your code. Or, even you...

just a general question
kk thanks

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User: estephan

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