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User profile: dub1987

User info
User name:dub1987
Joined:Feb 7, 2014 at 4:21am
Number of posts:148
Latest posts:

Accessing Functions from another file
Here is the actual assignment so you can see what I am up against: In role-playing adventure g...

Accessing Functions from another file
There are specific rules to the assignment. The instructor doesn't really like using strings but cha...

Accessing Functions from another file
Ok, going off the previous reply I have come up with this, and it seems to work. Not sure if this is...

Accessing Functions from another file
So, I did have those [code]strcpy[/code] statements within my code as well, I just commented them ou...

Accessing Functions from another file
More or less, I am trying to access my functions from the Character.h and Character.cpp files in my ...