User profile: dragonk2

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User name:dragonk2
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

game of life help!
ok, so far i worked with the class boolMatrix so how can i plug data with this class? is this the wr...

game of life help!
ok, ty for help! so i tried to make a class of boolMatrix class and i'm stuck with what do i need to...

game of life help!
sample code [code] //A very simple C++ implementation of John Conway's Game of Life. //This implemen...

game of life help!
hi, i'm really stuck with game of life coding section... i have no idea where to start and what to d...

real basic class function help!!
hi, i just start to use a class function in c++ in visual basic and i'm stuck with this code [code]...

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User: dragonk2

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