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User profile: diod

User info
User name:diod
Location:Dallas, Tx.
Joined:Aug 5, 2011 at 6:08am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Dumb Question
Wow. That seems to have worked.. What can I read to understand why subtracting 'a' makes it work? Th...

Dumb Question
Here's my test code so far, and as you can tell its not good. but it gives me what i need. Now is th...

Dumb Question
Not sure that'll get me what i need. the above is a keycard for a game i own which i must refer to e...

Dumb Question
I'm an extreme newbie, but im trying to make this app thats like a multiplication table. user has to...

Easy C++ Compiler
I am very new to C++ and i found Visual C++ express to be easy and good. What you have to do when ma...

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