User profile: cody1998

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User name:cody1998
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

how do i search for a name in a txt file
i have a program where i have to search for a name in a txt file. how do i do this. there is a lot m...

switching names from first name last name to last name first name.
i updated that read file this is what i got for that so far but I'm not sure if it is right. void ...

switching names from first name last name to last name first name.
the contents are the txt file is a list of names that are line by line and are in first name last n...

switching names from first name last name to last name first name.
i have a program that reads in from a txt file. called names.txt. the file has a main and a .h file ...

finding the max power using recursion
okay thank you but what does that do? i haven't learned about static_cast<int> i am in just a begin...

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User: cody1998

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