User profile: coderaashir

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User name:coderaashir
Number of posts:5
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Why can we check the summation of all prime divisors till n just by iterating through the square root of n?
Thanks that helped. I was thinking of it the wrong way.

Why can we check the summation of all prime divisors till n just by iterating through the square root of n?
No. I know basic C++ syntax, and the modulo operator and the division operator. But I don't get th...

Why can we check the summation of all prime divisors till n just by iterating through the square root of n?
Yeah, my bad. I edited.

Why can we check the summation of all prime divisors till n just by iterating through the square root of n?
I get How the code works, I know it works too. I'm trying to figure out WHY the code works, like the...

Why can we check the summation of all prime divisors till n just by iterating through the square root of n?
The algorithm goes something like this: 1) input n 2) int sum is 0 2) for x: 1 to sqrt(n) 3) if...

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User: coderaashir

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