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User profile: cjmalloy

User info
User name:cjmalloy
Joined:Oct 20, 2008 at 3:07pm
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Problem initializing templatized class (urgent)
You've got circular includes bud. Yout should never, ever have an [code]#include "*.cpp"[/code] ev...

Finding duplicates in a single TEXT file
I think seek_end will take you past the last line. If your file is not unicode I'm guessing it woul...

Some general questions
cin.ignore(); by itself works too. I usually use cin.ignore(80, '\n'); cause it's been drilled it i...

How to get string from a file terminating with another string

Finding duplicates in a single TEXT file
I don't get what you mean by one fread pointer. I would use fgetc for this. [code] #include <cs...

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User: cjmalloy

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