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User profile: chick3n13

User info
User name:chick3n13
Bio:Studying to be a computer scientist.
Joined:Oct 14, 2014 at 11:26pm
Number of posts:23
Latest posts:

REALLY confused with class
I said I would post my code (sorry for being late). I want to know how I could have done it in a muc...

REALLY confused with class
Yea, my professor required us to follow the code.. I didn't like they layout of my "final" code. I f...

Advice for a young learner
When I first started programming at around 16, I quickly left it after a few weeks because of the ma...

REALLY confused with class
Improved the code so it could be more "efficient." I don't like all the extra stuff but it got the j...

REALLY confused with class
Damn JayZom, you explain in such a way I can really understand it :D Thanks! Yea dhayden, yesterda...