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User profile: check2011

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User name:check2011
Joined:Aug 3, 2011 at 7:21am
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Code::Blocks giving me an error on a simple program
I see! Thanks. You're right, I had installed the non-MinGW version. As a newbie, I didn't know MinGW...

Code::Blocks giving me an error on a simple program
Thanks again. I tried out another simple project (which I named Car), but now it's giving me a stran...

Code::Blocks giving me an error on a simple program
Thanks Shacktar. So let me see if I have this right: If I'm writing a class or function, I put it in...

Easy C++ Compiler
What makes wxDev-C++ different than the regular Dev-C++? Is it somewhat easier?

Code::Blocks giving me an error on a simple program
Hey all, I've been using Dev-C++ but am trying to find something a bit simpler. What really confu...

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User: check2011

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