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User profile: charlesmhale

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User name:charlesmhale
Name:Charles Hale
Bio:The Racha islands (or Raya Islands), are 12 km south of Phuket. These are famous for being excellent diving and snorkeling destinations. Racha Yai, however, is quickly developing into a place to stay on for a while, as it recently had the addition of a number of luxurious bungalow and resorts. Racha Yai reveals itself in splendid fashion, with most arrivals landing onto a strip of fine white sand tucked deep into the long U-shaped main bay, called Ao Tawan Tok or Ao Bungalow. The water here is clear and perfect for snorkeling, although the bay gets quite busy with visiting boats in the afternoons.
Joined:Feb 19, 2018 at 4:53am

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User: charlesmhale

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