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User profile: boolivar

User info
User name:boolivar
Bio:Not under 18, nor above, in any case.
Joined:Apr 6, 2010 at 7:10am
Number of posts:27
Latest posts:

invalid use of incomplete type ‘class
You can derive two classes for two key types: [code]template <class KeyType, class ValueType> cl...

bug or feature
This compiles cleanly: [code]class Access { friend class Test; private: class Tag {}; ...

bug or feature
Unlike structs all class members are private if not specified another access level. ;-) [code]cla...

Opening mp3 files using C++
Don't know. Yes. No. Yes. =)

Exception HANDLING speed
Handling exception slower then simple testing returning value. Be aware that SEH is OS feature and O...