User profile: bknick24

User info
User name:bknick24
Name:Brandon N.
Bio:In college, going for my BS in cybersecurity.
Number of posts:67
Latest posts:

Looking for someone to write simpe c++ code
Hi, I'm looking for someone to write me simple c++ code based on certain specifications given. Pay w...

how do i get my program to print the text from file
The text will be in the format in which I said. It would be inputted from a text from

how do i get my program to print the text from file
I've changed my code to this... [code]#include<iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ...

how do i get my program to print the text from file
I have to make this program input from a file "puzzle.txt" which contains the matrix size and word p...

dice game vectors
giblit yours makes sense for counting the pairs but where would I put the output "You have one pair!...

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User: bknick24

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