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User profile: bistelA0005

User info
User name:bistelA0005
Joined:Jul 6, 2018 at 7:39pm
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Talk to MS Word files?
I am interested in making a commercial plugin that creates a Word file (*.docx) from another applica...

Talk to MS Word files?
Thank you [b]salem c[/b] and [b]George P[/b] your answers are [b]super helpful[/b]. I will look int...

Talk to MS Word files?
Can C++ be used to talk to MS Word files or even talk to Word VBA? I mean do things like extract tex...

Why a reference again?
Hey, @jonnin super helpful. You nailed it for me. I see what you mean. I am also glad you explained ...

Why a reference again?
Thank you for the good example @Ganado I kinda see what it does. Kinda (just) until I work with it m...

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User: bistelA0005

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