User profile: asm103940

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User name:asm103940
Number of posts:18
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how to get program to read from input file?
I am so lost on this one, i dont know how to do this at all.. -- program will read in a list of ran...

HELP PLEASE! Astrix and triangles..
would it be this @integralfx? [code]if (pattern = 1) { for( int s = 0; s < num - i; s++ ) { ...

HELP PLEASE! Astrix and triangles..
@intelgralfx .. wait now its only showing the bottom triangle.. [code]#include <iostream> using nam...

HELP PLEASE! Astrix and triangles..
@intelgralfx i meant ***** **** *** ** * ***** +**** ++*** +++** ++++* (without the pluses, with s...

HELP PLEASE! Astrix and triangles..
How do i make the astrix do this?... I know I have to add spaces somewhere Im just not sure where......

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User: asm103940

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