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User profile: amajmundar1

User info
User name:amajmundar1
Joined:Feb 27, 2017 at 4:20am
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Creating header file "string" and all its functions
The program crashes

Creating header file "string" and all its functions
I got most of the code to work

I am having trouble with polymorphism
I think my classes were coded correctly. I cannot change "User.cpp". I think I have an issue with...

Help with file input and appending a file
Thank You for all your help. I was provided the text file and therefore forced to use the values sto...

Help with file input and appending a file
I feel bad for constantly asking, but I am at a total loss. My code is aborting when I try to run it...

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User: amajmundar1

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