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User profile: afraidofdark

User info
User name:afraidofdark
Joined:May 16, 2008 at 3:14pm
Number of posts:49
Latest posts:

GetDlgItemInt doesn't work
thank you, I exactly want ID of the bitmap and I couldn't find a way to obtain it for days :\

GetDlgItemInt doesn't work
Hello, I have a dialog and a picture control inside of it. During OnInitDialog I try to obtain th...

Inheritance, containers with base type, typecasting
[quote]I have a functon called Graph* getGraph() in base, and a member Graph* mGraph However, implem...

Inheritance, containers with base type, typecasting
I intentionally delete these lines, because they were source code and consuming a lot of space here ...

Inheritance, containers with base type, typecasting
I intentionally delete these lines, because they were source code and consuming a lot of space here ...

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User: afraidofdark

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