User profile: adzajac

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User name:adzajac
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

read preexisting file
The buffer is set to ) rather for educational purposes. Specially in the situation when theRest exis...

read preexisting file
Here is the code which can read your file using 32 bytes width window. If the length of the file is ...

Strange issue with memory consumption on UNIX
I agree sizeof( variant ) is 16 bytes ( on most architectures ) except x86solaris where it takes 12 ...

Strange issue with memory consumption on UNIX
Doesn't matter. Sample was taken from the wider context and some obstacles left :). But thx for the ...

String NULL?
You can always pass the string as a parameter to be filled and return err code. [code] int foo(cons...

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User: adzajac

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