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User profile: adibhatam

User info
User name:adibhatam
Joined:May 13, 2017 at 4:34pm
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

User input [arrays]
Thanks for you help, but if I declare input as an int I cannot determine if the user entered a lette...

User input [arrays]
Is there a way I can store a double digit integer in a single array slot? Also, I know my code is co...

Wav file will not open
I have generated a .wav file with my program; however, it will not open up properly in Windows Media...

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 't' was corrupted.
@Moschops even when I enter just one character I still get the Run-Time failure.

Validating user's input to be a number and not a letter
Thank you for your help! @Thomas1965 I have one more question... I have a char variable, and I am ...

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User: adibhatam

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